Amraei ‘Drama Therapy’ in Second Edition Released The book focuses on the use of theater techniques to facilitate personal growth and promote mental health Drama therapy recognizes body, emotions and their expression in a theatrical framework with self-produced plays. Drama therapy recognizes body, emotions and their expression in a theatrical framework with self-produced plays. ..... Theater director, author, playwright and researcher Dr.Majid Amraei, 47, has brought out the second edition of his book on drama therapy. The title ‘Drama Therapy in its Evolutionary Path’ has been published by Tehran-based Danjeh Publications, which had also released its first edition in 2010. In an interview with IRNA, the author said, “The book is in fact the first work on drama therapy in Iran.” It focuses on the use of theater techniques to facilitate personal growth and promote mental health. “Drama therapy is among group therapy methods in which drama or theater processes as well as psychotherapeutic techniques are used to establish interaction between participants and the therapist, as a means of catharsis.” This approach can provide a context for participants to tell their stories, express feelings and solve their problems and thereby get relief from strong or repressed emotions. Drama therapist is a theater practitioner who has knowledge of applied psychology and psychodrama, a form of psychotherapy in which patients act out events from their past, #Amraei said. The book has six chapters. The first elaborates on various ethnic plays with a therapeutic nature. The second discusses different methods and approaches in group therapy and the third narrows down the discussion to age-appropriate methods and techniques of group therapy. Developing Inner Self How drama therapy leads to the liberation of mind is explained in the fourth chapter, in which a number of techniques are introduced to help develop both the inner self and social persona. In the fifth chapter, Amraei focuses on client-oriented plays. And in the final chapter, various psychological disorders are introduced, along with the corresponding methods of drama therapy.
The most important purpose of drama therapis to establish an appropriate, rational equilibrium between inner and outer worlds.”
Drama therapy thus recognizes body, emotions and their expression in a theatrical framework with self-produced plays, he added.
For several years, Amraee served as a drama therapist to promote the mental health of Iran’s war veterans